Friday, November 14, 2008

my morning latte'

Yesterday I was talking to a Waukesha resident who works with copy machines. He had been in the industry for over 20 years visiting many locations all over the city. He told me that he and his wife were really excited to see all the attention downtown Waukesha has been getting lately.

"I love coming down here for the Friday Night Live events. Now we are
looking forward to all the new business that's making its way here."
Who knew? Well, we did. Waukesha has a charming, fun downtown with something for everyone. I found out that Katydids is now open for business although I believe she has a grand re-opening scheduled. Sakura Japanese Cuisine is also open and every time I go by they are filled. The Clinton Street Gallery is open (although I haven't stopped by yet, it is on my list)
  • Katydids: 401 W. Main Street
  • Sakura Japanese Cuisine: 332 W. Broadway Ave.
  • Clinton Street Gallery: 801 Clinton Street.

There are many new comers on the list for 'opening soon.' Among them are:

  • Taylor's Peoples park restaurant & pub
  • Generations at Five Points restaurant
  • Three Sisters Spirit
  • Bling-n-Things
  • Poppin on Broadway
  • Bodway's Live Music Studios and Grill
  • Springs Artisan Village
  • Reeves Home Improvement

and the ever expanding: Waukesha Antique Mall

Apart from The Clarke Hotel, there is a lot of new construction in the works as well. These projects will soon be showing their faces.

picture from

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

my morning latte'

Good Morning.

  • I'm glad to be in America this morning. I'll bet the Burma activist, Nay Myo Kyaw wishes he were also. This blogger gets a sentence in prison for poetry.
  • You won't be able to keep your cold to yourself for long. Google is under surveillance by the govt. Don't you just LOVE being watched!
  • Catholic Bishops have made a vow to fight Obama's abortion laws. Just say NO to murder.

JSOnline: I still don't like the new look at JSOnline. I need too many clicks to find where I am going and the dates are not posted on the stories. Just for whatever it's worth... Money seems to be the bottom line in the following two stories regarding our children and our elderly. Hey, if we start compromising their programs to save a buck that is then spent on social services catering to the unemployed and drug addicts coming to our town from larger cities... we are a really screwed up city!

So as I'm reading the news today, I notice a repeating theme in some different publications. Lake County Living prints this article about food pantries. The Waukesha Freeman prints this one about donations for the Volunteer Center. So my question to you is: If donations for these services are down... let's say the food pantry for example. What will these people who use the services do as a result? Who do they serve?

" The Food Pantry serves Waukesha County residents who are unemployed, working poor, and/or underemployed; individuals with disabilities; those with health issues and related costs; the elderly; and children." The Food Pantry of Waukesha

Crime will inevitably go up, right? I mean I've worked in food pantries before. Yes a lot of the people are just going through a tough time and need a temporary crutch to get out. But the majority of folks were the chronic unemployed.

Okay, you've heard me rant about this before, don't bother complaining unless you are willing to become part of the solution. What's my solution??? We become a community with responsible accountability! There it's that simple. If my neighbor looses his job due to the liberal govt. extending loans to unqualified buyers because it looks good on their resumes'... and he (my neighbor) can't find anything else. I, as part of his community, would help. Send out the word at my place of employment, help him update his resume, offer to get together occasionally. Whatever! AND if they are struggling to put food on the table I would buy him some groceries. Isn't' that the golden rule???

Why have we gotten so caught up in our fence lines that we have lost community? Can't we go beyond our 'now established' comfort zone and create a new one that includes community? Listen, I don't want the govt. playing robin hood with my hard earned buck. But I do know what it's like to need a crutch. We need each other. I don't want the government to be our extended family. That's our neighbors job. It's just what I think.

Monday, November 10, 2008

my morning latte'

Good Morning and happy Monday! I hope your weekend was fabulous.

This morning I woke up to the thermostat kicking in and the comforting sounds of warm air blowing throughout my home. Although it was too early to see the sun, I know it would have filled the room because all of the leaves on the Maple trees out back have found the compost pile. It's the one consoling thought during the cold winter months regarding the dead looking trees surrounding our home... that now we can see the sunshine through the windows.

Breakfasts, sack lunches, showers and a pot of coffee. Kisses good morning, kisses goodbye. Have a great day. Whew. It's November again. We are already thinking of roasted turkey and pumpkin pie. (at least we are at our house)

My hands have all the tell tale sign of colder weather. I'm slathering on more lotions and cuticle creams. I've used up the rest of my Good Scents 4 Her patchouli/rose lotion and need to get more. I've had to switch to my fall/winter face care system and after examining my fall and winter wardrobe over the weekend found that I desperately needed to go some shopping to update my closet. (eeks!) I even needed to update my shampoos, finding something more moisturizing. This dry, blowing air is reeking havoc. LOL!!!

Given the concerns us Wisconsinites lived through last year. Meaning SNOW and lots of it, I was relieved to see this headline: Winter likely to be more mild than last year's. This year we are going to be more prepared. I've already been shopping for shovels, salt, scrapers and am filling my trunk with my emergency kit. (this is a first for me)
Boomertown has left thousands in the bust. Baby boomers all over have been counting on Boomertown to help out financially. When I checked out their site it looked as though they were just re-doing their site. "An all-new is coming soon... In the last 8 years Internet technology and web communication have changed greatly. We see these changes as an opportunity to take our original format and re-shape a whole new site. Something even more dynamic. One which better embraces the concept of a boomertown!" But according to the article posted on JSOnline, the Better Business Bureau has received over 100 complaints regarding Boomertown.

To find the following along with other headlines check out The Waukesha Freeman:
  • Sheboygan resident 9 million dollars richer today.
  • 24 year old man gets himself shot and killed in Mequon
  • Pike Lake hero's

Have a Fabulous Day!