Isn't August suppose to be the warmest month of the year? What are all the Al Gore(ian) global warning supporters saying about that?
So I get up and make my coffee. Regretfully my friends at The Steaming Cup aren't making it for me today, and I sort my recyclables as it brews. Coffee compost, paper filter, coffee tin. (I'm doing my part)
Sitting on the deck with my organic blanket, feeling the warm fuzzies as I sip my coffee listening to the wind chimes and observing the humming birds feeding off of my, now in bloom, Purple Coneflowers and Monarda. I hear the hummmm of a bee as is visits this beautiful flower, that I can't remember the name to. It's so lovely... but chilly.
It's easy to want to stay secluded amidst the natural sounds of summer. I know, however, that soon, at around 1ish, those prone to late night partying will rise, although not shine, and fill their surroundings with loud beats and rhythms. The language will most likely be offensive, not to mention the smell... according to those of us who tend to be sensitive to that sort of thing...
Alas... I have a few hours to enjoy my solice. Take another sip of coffee, feel the warmth of the sun on my shoulders, admire the beauty of my little piece of natural art surrounding me, and enjoy the songs of the crickets, birds and insects. For soon the winds will change.
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