Friday, October 31, 2008

Fright Hike

Tonight and tomorrow night Lapham Peak will host its annual Fright Hike.
I've carpooled children there in years past, but this year we are going to brave the spoooookinesssss.....

Just to make sure I'm covered, I apologize to all who will end up in my hiking group.
I know it's problem. I'm sorry.

I will scream.
I will grab whomever is closest.
I'll probably run.
I'm sure I'll end up tripping over something.
So, I'm sorry.

But... I gotta go. It's a beautiful day and I anticipate a beautiful evening. I love hiking and heck, I have to drop all the kids off at friends anyway. So hope to see you there.

it's just what i think

About a week ago I finished Helen Fielding's Olivia Joules and the Overactive Imagination. I was somewhat disappointed with this read. For the length of the book there was too much content. Fielding easily could have expanded any number of the ideas, which she introduced.

  • Terrorism
  • Sudan
  • Drug Smuggling
  • Political Cover ups
  • Al-Qaeda
  • Takfiri

Or even expanded the relationships that were introduced. Instead, although somewhat amusing, it touched slightly on all of the topics without resolve.

This book would be appropriate for the person who wants a 306 pg. quick read without much substance. For a vacation, perhaps. The author, a journalist and novelist, lives in London and that is apparent in her verbiage. On occasion the word choices tripped me up until I resolved them to an English slang.

Next read: William Paul Youngs The Shack. Why?? Last week I heard this book discussed in 3 different circles with comments like:

  • "It is sweeping the Nation"
  • "You mean you haven't heard of it?"
  • and... "Hey what did you think of ..."

I love book discussions so I thought I'd pick it up. On the cover it is exclaimed to be the '#1 New York Times Bestseller' with over 2 million copies in print. I don't really care about all that. Countless times I've found that I tend to like the movies that got 2 thumbs down or books that don't always make, well... anyone's list. So, I'll begin this with just a little more anticipation than some good conversation.

Care to join me?

Thursday, October 30, 2008

is there really a question?

Hate crime or art?

Are you kidding me?

Is there really a question?

The answer depends on your hypocrisy.
That's all.

Check out this link to Angel's blog.

She did a really good job addressing the hypocrites and lack of... well ... the lack of taste shown by the Obama supporter in this act:

Yes, that is a noose around the neck of a mannequin made up to look like Sarah Palin.

my morning latte'

Good Morning. I hope that your coffee is especially good this morning.

Living Lake Country
  • Will the Hwy 94 and C interchange loose it's trees for another development? It looks like there will be a proposal for a 25 acre development. Didn't they JUST finish development projects over there?
  • Lisbon residents get to choose. Drive on a decent road or lower taxes. One or the other.
  • Pewaukee man found a way to boost his economics in tough times. Unfortunately for him it's illegal to grow pot out of your house.
  • Both Kettle Moraine and Oconomowoc planning for lots of absentee ballets.

Waukesha Freeman


  • Students in the ElmBrook school district may be getting an 'ear' and 'eye' full of Rated R material in the classroom.
  • Man found driving drunk, for the 10th time, in Hartland area. He knows it's wrong so what does he do? He switches seats with his girlfriend. Now that's love. (I have an idea Brian, don't drink. You obviously can't handle alcohol well.)
  • The Clarke Hotel photo gallery posted by JSOnline.


  • While countless businesses are laying off and even closing their doors, Exxon Mobil reports its LARGEST quarterly profit ever.
  • Starbucks may have hit the bottom of the bean.

Have a fabulous morning!

Wednesday, October 29, 2008


A reward is now being offered for the Obama/Khalidi/Ayers Tape held by the LA Times. Refer to earlier post for earlier story.

Dirty Harry's Place has the story along with the $175,000 reward information. What, oh what could Obama be hiding????

This is a civil war for morality

I just received this e-mail in my inbox, along with close to 8 others. All pushing for my $$ and voting power. I am posting this 'FYI' on how hard the Democrats and baby killers are fighting against Morality in our nation.
This is their answer.
They call this a 'woman's right'.
I call this murder.
Just to make it completely clear. I consider anyone who believes that women and men deserve equal rights to be a feminist. I also believe that this makes up the majority of our nation.
I DO NOT believe that you must believe in killing unborn children to be a feminist. That is a moral issue not a sexist issue.
I urge you to not walk away from this issue. Stand up against these radical groups who will fight to the death (literally) for the right to kill the unborn.
note: notice that they call the this the Campaign for Healthy Families.

"In polling just released, the South Dakota abortion ban ballot measure is dead even - 44% yes and 44% no with 12% undecided. Pro-choice forces critically NEED your help now.

"Abortion Ban- We must stop this ban in its tracks in South Dakota, which could make it nearly impossible to obtain an abortion and threaten doctors with 10-year jail sentences. Your donation is urgently needed to help defeat the ban. If this draconian ban passes, it could become the next anti-abortion case before the Supreme Court. More outrageous bans will be introduced in yet more states."

The statewide coalition
- Campaign for Healthy Families - believes we CAN defeat this horrific ban and that we are gaining ground.
But the campaign needs your contribution NOW for its final push. 100% of your contribution will go directly to the coalition for additional TV ads and persuasive calling. The South Dakota Medical Association has recently come out against the ban. The ban would make doctors liable for criminal prosecution and at risk for jail sentences up to 10 years.
With our help, South Dakotans defeated a similar ban in 2006. But this year, the polls show the measure is harder to defeat because of its more deceptive language. If this sweeping ban passes it will be the next anti-abortion case before the Supreme Court. More outrageous bans will be introduced in yet more states.
We can't let this happen - contribute now for a final push to defeat this outrageously deceptive and punitive abortion ban. The Feminist Majority Foundation has organizers and volunteers working day and night to defeat this harmful ban for women and doctors. 100% of your donation will go directly to the statewide coalition for final media buys and mobilization efforts.
Act now, we don't have a moment to waste. Make 2008 the year we resoundly defeat deceptive ballot measures that endanger women's lives AND rights. For Women's Lives,

Amy Brenneman
P.S. I am sending you this e-mail because we must help our sisters in South Dakota. We are running out of time,
please donate now."

my morning latte'

Fox News:

  • Because we haven't seen enough yet, let's market a 30 minute commercial to sellout to those without an opinion. We will be seeing more of Obama than we can stomach... I don't know about you, but my stomach has been hurting for months.
  • The LA Times, the heart of Hollywood, the place where a large portion of Obama funds have come from and the place where media peer pressure originates, is refusing to release the video where Obama praises "a Chicago professor who was an alleged mouthpiece for the Palestine Liberation Organization while it was a designated terrorist group in the 1970s and '80s." Here is a link to the original story as it went out.
  • Greta Vas Susteren wants an answer to a questions she posts to Obama. Will he answer it?

  • McGee gets his sentence. "With time served and credit for good behavior, McGee can expect to be done with his federal prison term in about 4 ½ years. He also was ordered to pay $107,433 in restitution.". Do you think this is a fair sentence? "McGee, 39, was convicted by a jury in June on nine counts that included bribery, extortion, attempted extortion and trying to hide a $30,000 transaction" By John Diedrich of the Journal Sentinel
  • The Waukesha School board finally passes its budget. When it comes to education, I wish we could have a money tree growing. Lots of cuts are being made in all districts now. Lot's of programs going out the door. Parents-stay involved with your kids.
  • Waukesha County looking to spend $9.5 million in radio upgrades. No, really!
Drudge Report:

a good excuse

It is not a secrete that we are a family of animal lovers. Even when we lived in Russia, in our small apartment on the 21st floor we had a German Shepherd. Believe me when I say it's no picnic caring for an animal in a city where you can't find dog food, but we adapted.

Upon our return we went through our fair share of cute little kitties, clumsy adorable puppies, countless tanks with fish, lizards, hermit crabs (that was short lived), frogs, snakes... yes snakes (but for that one we needed a strict agreement... in writing!), hamsters and turtles. I may have forgotten someone in there but you get the jest of it.

We've adopted most of our pets as 'our family'. (there are clear exceptions and all within reason, of coarse) But when we moved to the house we currently live in 5 years ago, I made a new rule that the cats were not allowed in the house. (dang if I know how to get that smell out) I am super sensitive to scents and certainly did not want to deal with that smell any longer.
There is a problem, however, with having the cats out and not in. We are country folk. That means we get the benefits of country life. Including all the rodents that make their way into our home. We've gotten snakes, mice, chipmunks, squirrels, birds, bats... you get the pict.
Oh they are very happy here, don't get me wrong. It's warm and certainly an abundance of food and water compliments of our children, is found in the most unlikely places. But my husband and I, once again, put our foot (the two have become one in this situation) down and say ENOUGH! No more uninvited rodents in the house!
We put out poison. They ate it. They died... somewhere. Oh yeah, did I say 'they'?
Yes there appears to be countless dead rodents stinking up my basement, attic, inner walls in their last efforts to say 'ha, ha, ha. I'm not going with out leaving a calling card'. Can you say GROSS!
So, I know I need to go downstairs and climb on the treadmill or stationary bike to work out but there is absolutely no possible way to get my hesitating toosh motivated to go down there and get cardio. And that is my excuse.
At least I didn't say the dog ate my homework.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

my morning latte'

If you haven't visited in a while you might think that you were directed to a different site. In fact JSOnline has changed their format. To me it feels like changing around the furniture in the bedroom. You wake up in the middle of the night, forgetting the new layout and whack your toe on something. I didn't like it because I had to click 3 times to get to where I used to only need to click once.
  • This is one way to get your husband to be quiet. If you don't mind the possible 73 year prison sentence.
  • She thinks she is overworked and underpaid. Making $48,000 and claiming to be pulling in more than that at a waitress gig she had to take to pay back the hundred grand she racked up in college. Welcome to being an adult honey. Now put on your big girl panties and deal with it!

Lake County Reporter

Waukesha Freeman

From The New York Observer, some very important fashion news. Apparently Project Runway hasn't done a lot to help Christian's line which doesn't seem to be bringing in the dough.

Monday, October 27, 2008

out of sorts

Today began with a last minute decision to attend the meeting at city hall regarding plans for rental and owner occupied housing. After that I became disheartened with downtown politics. Tonight I'm just frustrated with all politics. I'm feeling somewhat deflated and so my post today is also touched with the flavor of a defeatist attitude.

I am about to turn it all off and watch Dancing with the Stars while I tune out the political commercials.