I'm seeing red flags all over the place. They are surrounding the Obama/Biden platform. The crazy thing about them is that they are being planted by Joe Biden himself! Okay Joe, I have considered myself warned. What I want to know, what lots of us want to know, including Obama is 'What do mean by that Joe?' One thing we do know about Biden is that he doesn't put his money where is mouth is. Biden may be supporting a campaign which tends to market a lot of politics towards 'helping spread the wealth around'. But this is a man who has given a mere smidgen of his wealth out of the goodness of his heart, of coarse. As seen in Biden's tax returns. In 1999 he only gave less than 1/16th of 1% of his income. Even on a campaign year he gave only slightly over 1/4th of 1%. Looking at the 10 years of tax reported giving, Biden has only given around 1/8th of 1% of his income. He doesn't mind bragging about his upper crust. "I don't have any Joe the plumbers in my neighborhood that make $250,000 a year
and are worried. The Joe the plumbers in my neighborhood, the Joe the cops in my
neighborhood, the Joe the grocery store owners in my neighborhood, they make
like 98% of the small businesses, less than $250,000 a year." Biden, (NBC's "Today Show," 10/16/08)
It's not just about money. Although I am a true believer of walking the talk. Maybe he is trying to redeem himself with a few edits. There is no secrete that Biden did not find Obama qualified to be our American president in this election.
What about race? He doesn't seem to mind voicing his thoughts as seen here: But that wasn't the first time he has offered off collar racial comments. (just an fyi, if any other white man had said these things in the McCain camp he would be absolutely slammed!)
One of the more recent comments has Americans wondering..??.. what does this guy, this insider who knows all the world leaders by first name know that he is NOT telling? What "major international challenge" are we going to be tested on? We want answers Biden.
It was Biden who said that he "..would be honored to run with or against John McCain, because I think the country would be better off,..." We know, Joe. We know. And we thank-you for the warnings, the red flags and the revealing of character through your deeds and words.
Listen, politicians play a lot on words. A lot of Americans get that. But many, especially the 'undecided' are convinced to cast their vote based on the best marketing strategy in the final weeks of campaigning. I did not make this stuff up. Biden himself can take credit for inserting his foot too many times.
I urge you to look beyond the marketing calls, mail, ads etc... and choose the candidate whom you can trust to grow our economy, lead our troops, protect our freedoms, encourage respectable morality. This is a very important election and your vote counts!