Friday, October 17, 2008
An afternoon cup of tea
We have all been anticipating what it will be. Will it work, won't it? How will it help business? Who is going to stay there? Why Waukesha? Again I say, wow.
Let me begin with the kind of thing most gals notice right away, the color scheme, the decor, the atmosphere. It was comfortably modern. Inviting and warm colors. State of the art appliances and fixtures. Gorgeous. The problem... now I really want to redue my obviously out of date and under decorated home. Dang it!
Also around the city yesterday was a notice that Katydids is soon to be ready at its new location at 401 W. Main Street. (across from Ottos) Check out her link at: for updated photos and fall shopping. Right away the high celiengs, arched entry, and added kitchen space captures attention. I am looking forward to the opening.
Only 2 weekends left for the Waukesha Farmer's Market. I'm not sure what the weather is suppose to be like this weekend, but with only a few weeks before trick-or-treat, it's a good time to stop by and look for pumpkins and fall decorations.
I heard that our sushi bar will be most likely be open next week or the week after. I need to add that I'm not a huge fan of raw fish, but willing to try it out anyway. Lot's of good reviews so maybe I'll be pleasantly surprised.
The mystery has been solved. The three sisters moving in at the 5 points, or is it 4 sisters?? heck I also heard there were 5 of them, anyway, the sisters moving in the 2 vacant spots by Dave's restaurant are not REALLY sisters. Like... omg, there was no resemblance anyway! They are proclaimed 'spiritual sisters' and will be doing rake, yoga, massages, etc... It looks as though they are building a studio in the larger space and going to be selling retail products in the smaller one. They will try to open in December (i think).
Thursday, October 16, 2008
My morning latte'
- I've seen a few of these buzzing around town. They definitely warrant a second look. Electric cars could hit streets soon - Eco-friendly vehicle needs new ordinance first
- Man sent to jail for pretend bomb at City Hall; Pewaukee man was 'hearing voices,' attorney says (I have no comment for this)
- Now I don't understand the question. The answer is NO, but Woman questions public urination
- I pass this building a few times a week. The project sure seemed to move quickly. Aurora's exterior nearing completion - Hospital still on target for January 2010 target date.
- This looks like a fun evening. I might see you there. Wind symphony costume ball beckons
- Erin Lamb has fun in the earliest hours, cold, dark and wet. (While I am still in my fantasy dream state) Camp kicks you out of bed, into shape
Waukesha Freeman
- Addison man killed in farm accident Our prayers go out to the family and friends.
- Alleged victim of racism may sue West Bend School District
- Police need your help finding the mysterious dammer. Man damming Bark River caught on hidden camera
- I love this one. Cheapest gas around: Dozens get gas in Wisconsin Rapidsfor 35 cents after mistake
- Darryl E. talks about City of Waukesha short of money for Sunset Drive center
- Oconomowoc-area businesses to air green practices
- Vrakas proposes continued funding for Waukesha County alcohol court
Have a great day! Maybe I'll see ya in town today. I have to do some birthday shopping.
Words for today too
Hamas TERRORIST STATE endorses Obama
This is just another reason why Obama scares the ba-gee-bees (tech. term) out of me.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
It's Black & White
James T. Harris spoke his mind to McCain at the rally and has been getting a real "ass whoopen'" from the black community ever since. Harris, a Milwaukee native, is a newer voice on Talk Radio- WTMJ. I've also found him with a few blogs such as:,,
getting lots of 'hate' posts to the tune of: Repression, Hate Crimes, Threats, Racial Abandonment, etc... Check out this style of post from just one site: ttp://
"somebody please kill that nigga. Or at least beat him up badly"My question is: Why, in God's good earth, can't a black man support a white man running against a black man? As a woman I would still support McCain (a man) if Clinton (a woman) were still in.
Harris has become the 'talk of the town'. Being seen at: OnMilwaukee, BBC, The Washington Post, Milwaukee Journal, Essence, Wordpress... yaada, yaada.
I want to give Harris credit for making a stand in spite of the knowledge that this would not be a lovely stroll to the polls. It is this type of 'thinking out of the box' that, I believe, really makes positive changes in our communities and our nation. Thanks Harris for taking it and for encouraging me.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Help is needed
Well... I am a true believer in what goes around, comes around. You reap what you sow. Are we investing in our communities or contributing to the despair of others?
Now in case you are wondering, and for those of you who know me well, I'm not a believer in enabling unhealthy lifestyles. I.e.: give a drunk cash for his/her next bottle. Instead, I truly subscribe to healthy accountability. Sometimes, however, our very basic needs need to be met before ANY help can be received. Not a single one of us is beyond hard times, especially in today's economy. Besides, it's easy to help. Really.
I am asking if you would you consider hosting a food/diaper drive in your neighborhood or place of employment? I've done this and it's really a no sweat way to help out others. The Food Pantry of Waukesha County makes it even easier by offering free downloads and assistance to help get you started.
Check out their site at: for information. "If you have any questions or require any type of assistance in coordination a food or fund raising event, contact Michael Jonas, Associate Director at 262-542-5300 or ."
Oh, and did I mention that since The Food Pantry is a non-profit, you can get a donation form for your taxes???
Monday, October 13, 2008
coming soon
The Black Trumpet is now taking reservations. Located inside the new and soon to open, The Clarke Hotel on 314 W. Main Street in Waukesha, The Black Trumpet promises
"classic world cuisine to the modern American palette".The combined talents of Andy Ruggeri (Owner) and Dean Schmit (Executive Chef) mesh 'tradition' with 'creativity'. Using local, organic ingredients and offering more than 1000 different local and international wines.
- Lunch: Monday - Saturday 11am to 2pm
- Dinner: Monday - Sunday 5pm to 10pm
The opening date is December 1st. Call: 262-549-3800 to make your reservation.
Is Sarah Palin qualified?
This is an unscientific poll that PBS is using to confirm their primarily liberal audience's point that Sarah Palin is not qualified to sit in the seat of Vice President.
You can have your vote count as well. I did! What were the results? As of 3:50pm today, the votes were 49% yes, 49% no.
Feed the Hungry
I have been involved in social services, on several levels, for the past few years. Those experiences has forced me to learn about our Waukesha resources. While at the last Art Crawl downtown on Oct. 3rd. I asked a few people if they knew about any of them. Shelters? Clothing? Food? Most people were oblivious to our resources, just as I had been. Soooo, I would like to invite readers to learn more about our community here at Blog-Waukesha Talks. Please give them a call, check out their site, or stop by. First stop... Food!

A little about the Food Pantry of Waukesha County. According to their web-site the pantry 'serves approximately 5,752 people each month from all parts of the county.'
Special Events:
- What: Celebrating A Community That Cares:The Food Pantry of Waukesha County’s30th Anniversary Event
- Invitation Reply Card
- When & Where: Sunday, October 26th, 3:00 p.m.Country Springs Hotel & Resort
Here is a copy of their newsletter from Summer/Fall 2008
If you are involved with a non-profit in Waukesha that you would like to see featured here, please e-mail us at: All posted information from this post was found at:
Enjoy it while it lasts
Boy, it seems bright today. Way brighter than yesterday and the sun isn't even shining. Now where did I put my glasses? Pulling to the side of the road for the second time it hit me. How beautiful is this? Every other tree was magically pained over night. Scarlet reds, jolting yellows, bright greens, rich burgundy's. Oh my.
The weather forecast did say that today would be one of the last of the warm ones. I'm not taking that for granted. Once I got home, took care of my son, I got out my camera to snap a few photos for you to enjoy also.
This post is for all you home bounders or those of you stuck inside four walls not able to enjoy this last day of gorgeousness.