Saturday, September 6, 2008

and baby makes 10

We are pet people. I always grew up with either dogs or cats. (the staple family pets) My exception, as a kid, was when my little brother got a Guinea pig. Geeez I hated that thing. SQUEAK, SQUEAK, SQUEAK... all night long.

He loved it, which gave me ammo as a kid. 'don't tell mom or I'll hold your pig upside down' (the thought was that that would make the eyes pop out, I never bothered to check the facts about it) The threat worked. But that never changed the fact that my love for pets stops at rodents.
So, when my daughter spent the last year asking, pleading and eventually begging for a Hamster, it was obvious that would not be happening.

I broke.

She did so well in school last year and had been so helpful around the house. I wanted to reward her with, well let's say... a pair of earrings or a special lunch date. OH NOOOO she wanted that hamster. She promised that I would never need to see it. She would feed it, clean the cage, do all of it. FINE!

We went to Petco in Delafield and were introduced to a tan, baby, male hamster. I have to admit, the thing is kind of cute, from a distance.

Two weeks after I bought the young, male hamster... IT BEGAN GIVING BIRTH! Apparently the manager of the place, who was the one who sold us the thing in the first place, didn't lift up her little hamster skirt. Now we have 10 of them.

And the advice Petco gave us, make sure you separate the mom from the babies when she begins to EAT them! OMG!!!

Anyone want a hamster?
A baby male hamster by chance??

My Morning Latte

TGI Saturday!

  • Now I know the content of this was not meant to be amusing, but this story appearing in JSOnline: Prison agrees to boost mental care got my attention. It wasn't until I opened it up, read it then went back and checked out the title that I was amused. "Taycheedah Correctional Institution agrees to federal demands" (bolding is mine)
  • Now that Palin has paved the Wisconsin streets, the Democrats will come and do their thing: Biden to visit Green Bay on Monday

Here in Waukesha County

National News

Friday, September 5, 2008

A resilent economy

From the office of the press secretary, President Bush just released a Fact Sheet: American Economy Is Resilient in the Face of Challenges. Not surprising due to the numbers that just came out today stating that unemployment in America has risen to 6.1%.
Some of the highlights in the report focus on an urge to the democratic congress for:
  • Oil exploration offshore on the Outer Continental Shelf (OCS)
  • provision blocking oil shale leasing on Federal lands – President Bush calls on Congress to remove the provision which blocks leasing oil shale
  • extending tax credits for low-emission, low-carbon power production

My Morning Latte

Wise words from the Psalms

Psalm 25: 4-7
4.Show me your ways, O Lord, teach me your paths;
5. guide me in your truth and teach me,
for you are God my Savior,
and my hope is in you all day long.
6. Remember, O Lord, your great mercy and love,
for they are from of old.
7. Remember not the sins of my youth and
my rebellious ways;
according to you love remember me,
for you are good, O Lord.
May our paths be guided by the Lord and our hearts be open to follow it. May we appreciate the mercy and love our God has available to us and may we turn from wrongdoings to courageously press forward on the path He has set before us. amen

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Obama's running shoes

I have to say that initially I was really not thrilled with the '08 elections. Honestly the thought of Obama sitting at the head of the American government scared(scares) the ba-gee-bees(my official technical term) out of me, and I didn't see how the McCain party would be able to up the ante' (so to speak) like they have with the introduction of Palin, and what an intro. speech it was!

Seriously, I couldn't (and still can't) calm myself when I think about the security of our country, of everything we have gone though as a nation, as neighbors, since the shock and the horror of 9/11 and how a man like Obama thinks he could make it all better.

After looking carefully over where Obama stands on national security and where McCain stands on it I am blown away. Obama's language is as weak as his plan. Senator Obama, I want to know how you plan on protecting my family and myself? Because all I see is weakness.
"A phased withdrawal" is what you say. I am hearing "RUN LIKE THE WIND BULLS EYE!"

Okay, I don't want war any more than the next guy. I hate it. But I fear that with a man like Obama in our American presidency we will turn into a nation of yellow jello eating ... (well you get where I'm going with this) It scares me!

This is a tough world. I'm not sure how to tell you this Obama, but there are bad guys out there who are really excited about your phased withdrawal. There are bad guys with real guns and stuff... but we won't be able to protect ourselves under your plan and I don't see how you will be able to either.

So, I've changed my mind. I am really excited about the '08 elections. I believe this is the most important election of our lifetime. I'm excited because we have a strong leadership in McCain and a new, fresh voice in Palin.

Bring it on!

My Morning Latte

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

The New Face of Feminism

It's the "F" word that I don't pull out for the faint hearted. But it is time. The word is out.


Why have we gotten so timid of that word? I have my 'femi-nazi' sisters to blame for this. The far lefters who have gotten so hell bent on extremes that the rest of us who believe in the core of the word (that women and men should have equal opportunity) embarrassed to use it.

I would like to submit that women AND MEN (a hemmm) feminists are ALLOWED to believe in Pro-life without compromising equality within the sexes.

Pro-Life. To me this is an issue of morality, not equality. Life and death. Who, besides God, has the right to determine whether an unborn child gets to live or not?

You ultra bra-burning feminists are so over the top that you are actually hurting the definition within the actual fight for equality! Women and men are afraid of the stinking word because of your representation of it. I urge you to seriously think about this.

I don't know too many men or women who don't believe in the core... equality. I also do not know many who would openly use the 'f' word in public. I have actually been urged, within a women's organization against domestic violence, to NOT use the word for fear of what the listeners would interpret. (this is true!)

Well Sarah Palin, you have my vote. Not because you are a woman. But because my vote is for morality... for life.

'Hers is the new face of feminism. Get ready to see more of it.'

Wise words from the Psalms

Psalm 24
'1.The earth is the Lord's, and everything in it,
the world, and all who live in it;
2. for he founded it upon the seas and established it upon the waters.
3.Who may ascend the hill of the Lord?
Who may stand in his holy place?
4.He who had clean hands and a pure heart,
who does not lift up his soul to an idol or swear by what is false.
5.He will receive blessing from the Lord and vindication from God his Savior.
6.Such is the generation of those who seek him,
who seek your face, O God of Jacob. Selah'

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

My Morning Latte

Although it is almost iced tea time instead of my morning latte' (so sorry, had to get the kids off to their first day of school and recover with a very big cup of coffee)

The local morning headlines:

Monday, September 1, 2008

Let's give em something to talk about.

Sarah & Todd's 17 year old daughter Bristol Palin is 5 months pregnant. The announcement was made today in an effort to ward off the rumor mill.

Bristol is planning on having this child, (thank God!) and is planning on getting married to the father of the child, Levi.

"Bristol and the young man she will marry are going to realize very quickly the difficulties of raising a child, which is why they will have the love and support of our entire family. We ask the media, respect our daughter and Levi's privacy as has always been the tradition of children of candidates,"

This was not a surprise to the McCain campaign officials. They decided to announce the pregnancy right away due to many of the liberal blogs having a field day. Their stories have been an attempt to destroy the McCain/Palin campaign in typical dirty politics.

Palin has given the republican party a fresh breath of hope. According to Gallup Daily, Obama's lead over McCain has slightly narrowed from 8% to 6%. The latest Gallup poll, out today shows the 48% to 42% picks.
She sure is given them something to talk about.

about Sarah Palin

I always find it amazing how many people enter into the Autumn of election years not knowing the candidates. I mean more than 'bad media' or negative advertising. What do they stand for? How do they vote? and How does their stands measure up to what is important to the voter?

I hope this helps.

Strongly Favors
Teacher-led prayer in public schools
Death Penalty
Absolute right to gun ownership

Mandatory Three Strikes sentencing laws
Parents choose schools via vouchers
Expand the armed forces
Stricter limits on political campaign funds
US out of Iraq

No Opinion
Require hiring more women & minorities
Drug use is immoral: enforce laws against it
Allow churches to provide welfare services
Illegal immigrants earn citizenship
Support & expand free trade
The Patriot Act harms civil liberties

Same-sex domestic partnership benefits
More federal funding for health coverage
Privatize Social Security
Replace coal & oil with alternatives
Make taxes more progressive

Strongly Opposes
Abortion is a woman's right

Sunday, August 31, 2008

What a day

I returned to Harley Fest again yesterday. We couldn't get over what fantastic weather we had. Everyone seemed to be having a great time. Did you get a chance to walk the streets and peek at some of those bikes? Now I'm not a biker, but WOW. There were some awesome bikes.

The Guess Who was fantastic! They came out for an encore which had the crowd roaring. No fancy lights, gimmicks, fireworks, costumes, just great music on a great afternoon.

From where I sit, the event went off really well. Great job to those involved.