Friday, September 19, 2008

Makes you think

My morning latte this week was spent at the emergency room. My husband was in a motorcycle accident with a deer. We were very lucky the damage wasn't worse than it was as everything is 'fixable'. He is needing oral and orthopedic surgery but HE IS ALIVE with no internal damage.
Thank God!

What saved him, besides the hand of God?
His helmet!

Please, please, please do not go on the road with your motorcycle without one. I am begging. If you do, you are being unbelievably selfish to your family and the people who care about you.

One of my children woke up the next morning and said: "I have a dad this morning. I had one yesterday morning too but I almost didn't have one this morning."

Please wear the stinking helmet.

So, I might not be posting much for a bit but will be checking in on some of my favorite blogs to keep caught up.


Anonymous said...

prayers for for family...

Blog Host said...

@ alexander
Thank-you. We know they are heard and we appreciate them.