Here are some of the local headlines.
- Bringing the web to the classroom. The future of education is online. WEB puts fun into start of middle school
- Delafield has a fun filled weekend ahead: Fall art walk beckons
- UW may cut grades for first-year medical students
- Seriously, the following two articles are saying volumes. Maybe these places should be forced to have paid security guards to avoid all this trouble. Who isn't sickly aware of all the irresponsible issues involving these places. Enough already! Fight at Waukesha restaurant results in arrests & Waukesha tavern cited for too many fights
- And Biden's in town. Biden in Green Bay this morning
- You may have noticed an increase in Burmese faces here in Waukesha. The reason: Burma’s refugees get Waukesha welcomes
- Of all the interviewers around the First Palin interview is set with Charlie Gibson? Okay, I can't wait to see it. ABCNEWS: Gov. Palin to sit down with Charles Gibson...
- Gallop polls are out to show the Republicans’ Enthusiasm Jumps After Convention
- She is a stubborn woman. Oprah Says No to Palin, and Gets an Earful... . Many are boycotting Oprah's show and magazine in response.
See you at the polls tomorrow. I'll be the one with a coffee stain on my shirt. (don't know why I can't drink a cup of coffee without ending up with it on my shirt.) Have a Great Day!
I won't go downtown after dark by myself anymore. (With friends for the art crawl, but that's it) I'm just not comfortable. It's too bad to.
This must be hurting the non-alcoholic businesses.
I think most 'other' businesses are already closed by the time the problems have been coming out. This seems to be a night time problem.
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