I'm sure it's temporary and that soon I will bounce back. But for right now... I'm not going to read about the horror in the Congo, the injustices in Iraq, the pitiful state of Waukesha's not for profits. I don't want to know.
Bad mood. No, not really. But as the saying goes (with my little tweak) this girl just wants to have fun!
Can anyone relate?
Most bloggers have moved right on to the next topic. There are so many to cover. I, however, will choose the happenings downtown for my topic.
I am SO excited about this years Christmas parade. (not really sure why, maybe because I just need to get away from my politically depressed state) BUT... I really hope you are planning on attending.

The route has been posted.
I've heard good reports about the sushi bar. But I have to admit that I haven't visited yet. It looks as though the 3 sisters have opened at Sadie Brueners old place (i think I spelled that wrong, but I don't know HOW it was suppose to be spelled) on the 5 points. But I didn't see any 'We're Open' signs. AND the new gallery on Clinton and South is open. Nice.
I'm going to stop by the 3 sisters today and see if they offer yoga. I think it may be the answer to chilling out after this stinken election and before the Christmas shopping. (I really don't have a bad attitude)
Hope you and yours are doing well. Stay warm and don't forget to put windshield wiper fluid in your car. (nothing like not being able to see out the front window because you have a snowy, salty mess on it.) I am NOT in a bad mood!!!
I know just how ya feel...!..gotta focus on fun stuffs..politics ..ugh!
@ womanhonorthyself
It's good for people like us that we can take a break from it if we need to. I'm sure we'll bounce back soon. lol... :o
I've been suffering from politics burn-out for well over a year. So depressing overall!
@ always on watch
It looks like I'm in good company then. It can really get overwhelming.
I'm personally glad, though, that enough people still do care enough to keep fighting for what they believe in.
I shudder to think of the alternative. (eeks)
at least my site and computer is workin now..ha
Christmas? Oh man...that's the last thing I wanna think about right now....along with politics. :/
@ Kate
I SO agree... This year I actually saw Christmas stuff out in September!!!!! I'm telling ya... stress, stress, stress.
Just keep feeding me Godiva truffles and pomegranate martinis until AFTER the holidays! I'll consider reconsidering then. LOL!!!
If I didn't have grandkids....sigh... As is, it's gonna be a real lean year for the greedy lil'......darlin's. :)
@ Kate
It looks like, for a lot of families, it will be a year for the 'kids only' presents. (we do so neglect them don't we? ah-hem...)
But hey, if I could get through a family meal with my inlaws and siblings and NO bickering... I'de sing Christmas carols until Easter. That would be a merry Christmas indeed!
If I game 'em all a lump of coal, would I be charged with child abuse? Heh.
@ Kate
OMG! The sick thing is that you probably would. You crack me up.
Honestly, haven't we thought about it?
Heck, I could use that money being spent on games and junk they will use for only a few months on stuff like... hmmm... groceries (to feed em) and gas (to deliver the darlings whereever their precious lil' hearts take em) LOLOLOL
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