Monday, November 24, 2008

my morning latte'

I heard it would be. They warned us. I knew it was inevitable. But I was still in denial. Regardless we woke up to several inches on the ground. After my initial 'great now I need leave early for work, scrape the car, blaaa, blaaa, blaaa' and the sky began to lighten the black night leftovers, I saw that it was actually kind of... well, it was pretty.

Apparently the snow arrived around 3. It sure fell quickly because when I got up around 5:45 there was a lot on the ground already.

We had a lot of fun downtown yesterday. I noticed that the spirits were high in the community. Lots of family and friends meeting to check out some of the newer shops, tour The Clarke Hotel and watch the parade. As we sipped our hot apple cider with whipped cream-drizzled with caramel (yummy) we listened to the carolers singing across the street. What a lovely way to spend a Sunday afternoon. Another great reason to live in Waukesha. We have a great community!

At the 5 Points, we heard the familiar ringing of The Salvation Army. Not shy, I have seen them all over town. They are not the only group trying to encourage giving. Food banks are reporting that 'record numbers' of people are using them. Some of the downtown businesses are trying to help out by having bins to collect non-perishables.

Hunters are happily out in droves. They, too, can help feed the hungry by donating their meat through 'Target Hunger'. If they do, they will not need to pay butchering fees. (I think we really do make it almost impossible for anyone to be hungry in Waukesha.)

Heroin is recognized as a BIG problem in Pewaukee. The community is putting together programs to help fight this growing issue.

Have a Great Day! Drive safely.


Anonymous said...

That cider was the best and the hotel was even better. When are the first reservations coming in?

WomanHonorThyself said...

G'evenin my friend....woohoo the white stuff!

Blog Host said...

@ anonymous

Word is... reservations are in this week! Did you see the restaurant? I can't wait to dine on the 5 points, surrounded so beautifully.

Blog Host said...

@ womanhonorthyself

I'm glad YOUR happy about the white stuff. How's it looking out there in NY???

WomanHonorThyself said...

Happy Thanksgiving and keep fightin the good fight my friend !! :-)

Anonymous said...

We thought we had reservations for the first night but they must have been misplaced somehow :)