Last Thursday the BID voted in their new president, Roger Igelski. He will be replacing Vicki Hekkers and her devoted service to Waukesha. Vicki, a successful business woman, wife & mom, commercial investor and downtown Waukesha resident has served the community in countless ways. I truly hope, for the city, that her heartfelt presence does not diminish. Roger has accepted the new position modestly. As a business owner and career counselor at WCTC he will not only be the new BID president but has also accepted the lead position in the Waukesha Downtown Business Association. A husband & father, Roger is also very involved with his church leadership. He is sure to contribute positively to our downtown.
Have a fabulous day!
The price of success is hard work, dedication to the job at hand, and the determination that whether we win or lose, we have applied the best of ourselves to the task at hand.
have a wonderful, warm holiday my friend!:) NYC hugs!
I hope BID does a better job than it has done in the past. Changes need to be made in the way things are handled at the farmers market. City residents should be given a priority on a large percentage of the stalls. The vast amount of money earned at the market leaves town and is not returned to the community who's tax money supports it.
Local vendors would utilize local services and pay local taxes.
BID should do more to get the local community involved in their projects.
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