Wednesday, October 15, 2008

It's Black & White

It's been in the buzz (sometimes louder than others) since the McCain/Palin visit to Waukesha. But people have wondered, some have concluded, about who was that Black man who spoke up in Waukesha?

James T. Harris spoke his mind to McCain at the rally and has been getting a real "ass whoopen'" from the black community ever since. Harris, a Milwaukee native, is a newer voice on Talk Radio- WTMJ. I've also found him with a few blogs such as:,,
getting lots of 'hate' posts to the tune of: Repression, Hate Crimes, Threats, Racial Abandonment, etc... Check out this style of post from just one site: ttp://
"somebody please kill that nigga. Or at least beat him up badly"
My question is: Why, in God's good earth, can't a black man support a white man running against a black man? As a woman I would still support McCain (a man) if Clinton (a woman) were still in.

Harris has become the 'talk of the town'. Being seen at: OnMilwaukee, BBC, The Washington Post, Milwaukee Journal, Essence, Wordpress... yaada, yaada.

I want to give Harris credit for making a stand in spite of the knowledge that this would not be a lovely stroll to the polls. It is this type of 'thinking out of the box' that, I believe, really makes positive changes in our communities and our nation. Thanks Harris for taking it and for encouraging me.

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