- I'm glad to be in America this morning. I'll bet the Burma activist, Nay Myo Kyaw wishes he were also. This blogger gets a sentence in prison for poetry.
- You won't be able to keep your cold to yourself for long. Google is under surveillance by the govt. Don't you just LOVE being watched!
- Catholic Bishops have made a vow to fight Obama's abortion laws. Just say NO to murder.
JSOnline: I still don't like the new look at JSOnline. I need too many clicks to find where I am going and the dates are not posted on the stories. Just for whatever it's worth... Money seems to be the bottom line in the following two stories regarding our children and our elderly. Hey, if we start compromising their programs to save a buck that is then spent on social services catering to the unemployed and drug addicts coming to our town from larger cities... we are a really screwed up city!
- Money continues to be a consistent problem in our schools. The Waukesha School District is looking into different options to re-construct our children's educational system.
- Senior citizens meal programs to be consolidated.
- Chicago investors make bad on deal in Waukesha.
So as I'm reading the news today, I notice a repeating theme in some different publications. Lake County Living prints this article about food pantries. The Waukesha Freeman prints this one about donations for the Volunteer Center. So my question to you is: If donations for these services are down... let's say the food pantry for example. What will these people who use the services do as a result? Who do they serve?
" The Food Pantry serves Waukesha County residents who are unemployed, working poor, and/or underemployed; individuals with disabilities; those with health issues and related costs; the elderly; and children." The Food Pantry of Waukesha
Crime will inevitably go up, right? I mean I've worked in food pantries before. Yes a lot of the people are just going through a tough time and need a temporary crutch to get out. But the majority of folks were the chronic unemployed.
Okay, you've heard me rant about this before, don't bother complaining unless you are willing to become part of the solution. What's my solution??? We become a community with responsible accountability! There it's that simple. If my neighbor looses his job due to the liberal govt. extending loans to unqualified buyers because it looks good on their resumes'... and he (my neighbor) can't find anything else. I, as part of his community, would help. Send out the word at my place of employment, help him update his resume, offer to get together occasionally. Whatever! AND if they are struggling to put food on the table I would buy him some groceries. Isn't' that the golden rule???
Why have we gotten so caught up in our fence lines that we have lost community? Can't we go beyond our 'now established' comfort zone and create a new one that includes community? Listen, I don't want the govt. playing robin hood with my hard earned buck. But I do know what it's like to need a crutch. We need each other. I don't want the government to be our extended family. That's our neighbors job. It's just what I think.
Did you say "if we start compromising"? The better question is how do we stop compromising and take care of our tax base. The social service organizations should not take precedence over the tax payer.
@ anonymous
Here's a question: What would social services look like if they actually were founded/directed/funded by organizations which already have vested interest in community. I.e. Churches and hospitals.
Wouldn't there be more accountability? Think of the millions that would save us that could be put into the schools? Proactively educating our kids so purhaps their chances of needing a 'food pantry' or 'homeless shelter' or 'domestic violence shelter' were slimmer.
Research proves that the educated are WAY less likely to end up needing those services. Not exclusively, I know, but WAY better odds.
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