- Finally! Waukesha County wants to cite welfare, housing cheats I think this is long overdue as I've heard the 'i don't care, society owes me' words and attitudes come from downtown Waukesha residents using state and federal benefits for housing.
- Another lovely incident here in Waukesha by a former Milwaukee resident. Parents charged in disruption. Give me a break. Cussing and batting their arms around in the school, in front of classrooms filled with kids. Are we waking up to the possibility that Waukesha is just not big enough for both Waukesha and Milwaukee?
- This democratic family gets creative to detour vandals. Instead... Vandals leave a calling card. I think this lesson was learned. R.E.S.P.E.C.T. each others property, boys.
Waukesha Freeman
- If you might be out of town, or just busy...Why wait until Nov. 4 to vote? Go for it now. I think I will.
- I love 'happy' stories. This is one of those. Fire victims finding comfort in support from community. There is something really wonderful about a community rising up to help those who really need a temporary crutch of help. Good Job Waukesha!
- Here is another great example of the hero's of community coming to the aid of someone needing help. Bystanders thwart carjacking in Palmyra
Toni Braxton was Sent Packing from Dancing with the Stars last night.
What do you want to bet that this is not the first time that mother has been in trouble with the police?
North Avenue awaits her!
@ anonymous
Your probably right. What gets me is the example she is setting for not only her kid(s) but all the other kids around.
What I wonder is if she came from N.East Ave.?
Do you mean the Women's Center?
I think that someone ought to check how all of these behavior problems find their way to Waukesha.
Could it be that the Women's Center is importing them from Milwaukee?
Just who is on their board? Maybe someone should notify them, perhaps they are unaware.
You’ve completely hit the nail on the head!
Waukesha's N. East Ave. is host to the homeless, unemployed, abused, hungry and non-insured. It’s a great concept for the Waukesha county residents who need a temporary crutch to get through a tough time. But in actuality it is a magnet for the Milwaukee problem overflow i.e. dugs, prostitution, gang violence, theft…
It’s a big problem with big non-profits and big money. Unfortunately that also means big politics.
I don’t think the funders know where their money is really going.
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