Friday, October 31, 2008

Fright Hike

Tonight and tomorrow night Lapham Peak will host its annual Fright Hike.
I've carpooled children there in years past, but this year we are going to brave the spoooookinesssss.....

Just to make sure I'm covered, I apologize to all who will end up in my hiking group.
I know it's problem. I'm sorry.

I will scream.
I will grab whomever is closest.
I'll probably run.
I'm sure I'll end up tripping over something.
So, I'm sorry.

But... I gotta go. It's a beautiful day and I anticipate a beautiful evening. I love hiking and heck, I have to drop all the kids off at friends anyway. So hope to see you there.


WomanHonorThyself said...

be carefull.bwhahah!

Blog Host said...

thanks. It was a great night.

and yes... the poor elderly woman that was hiking in front of us should recover well. (jk...)