Tuesday, October 28, 2008

my morning latte'

If you haven't visited in a while you might think that you were directed to a different site. In fact JSOnline has changed their format. To me it feels like changing around the furniture in the bedroom. You wake up in the middle of the night, forgetting the new layout and whack your toe on something. I didn't like it because I had to click 3 times to get to where I used to only need to click once.
  • This is one way to get your husband to be quiet. If you don't mind the possible 73 year prison sentence.
  • She thinks she is overworked and underpaid. Making $48,000 and claiming to be pulling in more than that at a waitress gig she had to take to pay back the hundred grand she racked up in college. Welcome to being an adult honey. Now put on your big girl panties and deal with it!

Lake County Reporter

Waukesha Freeman

From The New York Observer, some very important fashion news. Apparently Project Runway hasn't done a lot to help Christian's line which doesn't seem to be bringing in the dough.

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