Last Thursday the BID voted in their new president, Roger Igelski. He will be replacing Vicki Hekkers and her devoted service to Waukesha. Vicki, a successful business woman, wife & mom, commercial investor and downtown Waukesha resident has served the community in countless ways. I truly hope, for the city, that her heartfelt presence does not diminish. Roger has accepted the new position modestly. As a business owner and career counselor at WCTC he will not only be the new BID president but has also accepted the lead position in the Waukesha Downtown Business Association. A husband & father, Roger is also very involved with his church leadership. He is sure to contribute positively to our downtown.
Sunday, December 14, 2008
not gone, not forgotten
Last Thursday the BID voted in their new president, Roger Igelski. He will be replacing Vicki Hekkers and her devoted service to Waukesha. Vicki, a successful business woman, wife & mom, commercial investor and downtown Waukesha resident has served the community in countless ways. I truly hope, for the city, that her heartfelt presence does not diminish. Roger has accepted the new position modestly. As a business owner and career counselor at WCTC he will not only be the new BID president but has also accepted the lead position in the Waukesha Downtown Business Association. A husband & father, Roger is also very involved with his church leadership. He is sure to contribute positively to our downtown.
Monday, November 24, 2008
my morning latte'
Apparently the snow arrived around 3. It sure fell quickly because when I got up around 5:45 there was a lot on the ground already.
We had a lot of fun downtown yesterday. I noticed that the spirits were high in the community. Lots of family and friends meeting to check out some of the newer shops, tour The Clarke Hotel and watch the parade. As we sipped our hot apple cider with whipped cream-drizzled with caramel (yummy) we listened to the carolers singing across the street. What a lovely way to spend a Sunday afternoon. Another great reason to live in Waukesha. We have a great community!
At the 5 Points, we heard the familiar ringing of The Salvation Army. Not shy, I have seen them all over town. They are not the only group trying to encourage giving. Food banks are reporting that 'record numbers' of people are using them. Some of the downtown businesses are trying to help out by having bins to collect non-perishables.
Hunters are happily out in droves. They, too, can help feed the hungry by donating their meat through 'Target Hunger'. If they do, they will not need to pay butchering fees. (I think we really do make it almost impossible for anyone to be hungry in Waukesha.)
Heroin is recognized as a BIG problem in Pewaukee. The community is putting together programs to help fight this growing issue.
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Friday, November 21, 2008
It's only money... right?
In here lies my point. Liz understood that she was throwing away her money on renting every month. She wanted a home for her and her little one. With pittince in savings she proceeded to see if she qualified for a home. DUH! Of Coarse she could. No credit? No savings? No problem!
And so Liz and her little one moved into their lovely home on the border of West Allis and Milwaukee. Liz is now a home owner.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
my morning latte
This morning, however:
- we have reports that Iran has been busy producing nuclear material. Should we be worried? Ummm, duh! It seems to be enough to produce an atom bomb.
- No this is not pirates of the Caribbean, this is the pirates of Somalia. Pirates are seizing sea vessels off the coast of Somalia.
- Here is the list of nominations sent to the senate.
- Waukesha's City Budget was passes this week. This year you could say that officials learned their lessons from last years marathon session of 9 1/2 hours. They divided and conquered.
- It was cold and icy. The roads by me were fine on my route home but apparently other places throughout the city didn't share my experience. There were several accidents reported. My own mom called me on my cell phone while I was en route home to yell at me for answering my cell phone while I was en route. (no joke)
Today the flurries are heading our way. Stay safe if need to head out there. My brother in Arizona is bragging of warm sunny days. Still... I do dream of a White Christmas.
- North Lake School District is planning an anti-bullying program with 'New York Times best-seller and expert Jodee Blanco'
- Gas prices are still dropping. I found $1.92 by the Waukesha Post Office yesterday.
Have a FABULOUS day.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
I'm thinking of chaning my latte'
I'm sure it's temporary and that soon I will bounce back. But for right now... I'm not going to read about the horror in the Congo, the injustices in Iraq, the pitiful state of Waukesha's not for profits. I don't want to know.
Bad mood. No, not really. But as the saying goes (with my little tweak) this girl just wants to have fun!
Can anyone relate?
Most bloggers have moved right on to the next topic. There are so many to cover. I, however, will choose the happenings downtown for my topic.
I am SO excited about this years Christmas parade. (not really sure why, maybe because I just need to get away from my politically depressed state) BUT... I really hope you are planning on attending.
I have volunteered to hand out jingle bells to the parade visitors. Don't forget to say 'hi' if you see me. Then, after jingling all the way (which is the theme for this years parade) I plan on stopping by one of The Clarke Hotel spots for a warm cup of 'Carmel Apple Cider' or Allo' Chocolate for some hot cocoa. Yummmmy!
The route has been posted.
I've heard good reports about the sushi bar. But I have to admit that I haven't visited yet. It looks as though the 3 sisters have opened at Sadie Brueners old place (i think I spelled that wrong, but I don't know HOW it was suppose to be spelled) on the 5 points. But I didn't see any 'We're Open' signs. AND the new gallery on Clinton and South is open. Nice.
I'm going to stop by the 3 sisters today and see if they offer yoga. I think it may be the answer to chilling out after this stinken election and before the Christmas shopping. (I really don't have a bad attitude)
Hope you and yours are doing well. Stay warm and don't forget to put windshield wiper fluid in your car. (nothing like not being able to see out the front window because you have a snowy, salty mess on it.) I am NOT in a bad mood!!!
Sunday, November 16, 2008
A lil Sunday som' em
Friday, November 14, 2008
my morning latte'
"I love coming down here for the Friday Night Live events. Now we areWho knew? Well, we did. Waukesha has a charming, fun downtown with something for everyone. I found out that Katydids is now open for business although I believe she has a grand re-opening scheduled. Sakura Japanese Cuisine is also open and every time I go by they are filled. The Clinton Street Gallery is open (although I haven't stopped by yet, it is on my list)
looking forward to all the new business that's making its way here."
- Katydids: 401 W. Main Street
- Sakura Japanese Cuisine: 332 W. Broadway Ave.
- Clinton Street Gallery: 801 Clinton Street.
There are many new comers on the list for 'opening soon.' Among them are:
- Taylor's Peoples park restaurant & pub
- Generations at Five Points restaurant
- Three Sisters Spirit
- Bling-n-Things
- Poppin on Broadway
- Bodway's Live Music Studios and Grill
- Springs Artisan Village
- Reeves Home Improvement
and the ever expanding: Waukesha Antique Mall
Apart from The Clarke Hotel, there is a lot of new construction in the works as well. These projects will soon be showing their faces.
picture from
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
my morning latte'
- I'm glad to be in America this morning. I'll bet the Burma activist, Nay Myo Kyaw wishes he were also. This blogger gets a sentence in prison for poetry.
- You won't be able to keep your cold to yourself for long. Google is under surveillance by the govt. Don't you just LOVE being watched!
- Catholic Bishops have made a vow to fight Obama's abortion laws. Just say NO to murder.
JSOnline: I still don't like the new look at JSOnline. I need too many clicks to find where I am going and the dates are not posted on the stories. Just for whatever it's worth... Money seems to be the bottom line in the following two stories regarding our children and our elderly. Hey, if we start compromising their programs to save a buck that is then spent on social services catering to the unemployed and drug addicts coming to our town from larger cities... we are a really screwed up city!
- Money continues to be a consistent problem in our schools. The Waukesha School District is looking into different options to re-construct our children's educational system.
- Senior citizens meal programs to be consolidated.
- Chicago investors make bad on deal in Waukesha.
So as I'm reading the news today, I notice a repeating theme in some different publications. Lake County Living prints this article about food pantries. The Waukesha Freeman prints this one about donations for the Volunteer Center. So my question to you is: If donations for these services are down... let's say the food pantry for example. What will these people who use the services do as a result? Who do they serve?
" The Food Pantry serves Waukesha County residents who are unemployed, working poor, and/or underemployed; individuals with disabilities; those with health issues and related costs; the elderly; and children." The Food Pantry of Waukesha
Crime will inevitably go up, right? I mean I've worked in food pantries before. Yes a lot of the people are just going through a tough time and need a temporary crutch to get out. But the majority of folks were the chronic unemployed.
Okay, you've heard me rant about this before, don't bother complaining unless you are willing to become part of the solution. What's my solution??? We become a community with responsible accountability! There it's that simple. If my neighbor looses his job due to the liberal govt. extending loans to unqualified buyers because it looks good on their resumes'... and he (my neighbor) can't find anything else. I, as part of his community, would help. Send out the word at my place of employment, help him update his resume, offer to get together occasionally. Whatever! AND if they are struggling to put food on the table I would buy him some groceries. Isn't' that the golden rule???
Why have we gotten so caught up in our fence lines that we have lost community? Can't we go beyond our 'now established' comfort zone and create a new one that includes community? Listen, I don't want the govt. playing robin hood with my hard earned buck. But I do know what it's like to need a crutch. We need each other. I don't want the government to be our extended family. That's our neighbors job. It's just what I think.
Monday, November 10, 2008
my morning latte'
This morning I woke up to the thermostat kicking in and the comforting sounds of warm air blowing throughout my home. Although it was too early to see the sun, I know it would have filled the room because all of the leaves on the Maple trees out back have found the compost pile. It's the one consoling thought during the cold winter months regarding the dead looking trees surrounding our home... that now we can see the sunshine through the windows.
Breakfasts, sack lunches, showers and a pot of coffee. Kisses good morning, kisses goodbye. Have a great day. Whew. It's November again. We are already thinking of roasted turkey and pumpkin pie. (at least we are at our house)
My hands have all the tell tale sign of colder weather. I'm slathering on more lotions and cuticle creams. I've used up the rest of my Good Scents 4 Her patchouli/rose lotion and need to get more. I've had to switch to my fall/winter face care system and after examining my fall and winter wardrobe over the weekend found that I desperately needed to go some shopping to update my closet. (eeks!) I even needed to update my shampoos, finding something more moisturizing. This dry, blowing air is reeking havoc. LOL!!!
Given the concerns us Wisconsinites lived through last year. Meaning SNOW and lots of it, I was relieved to see this headline: Winter likely to be more mild than last year's. This year we are going to be more prepared. I've already been shopping for shovels, salt, scrapers and am filling my trunk with my emergency kit. (this is a first for me)
Boomertown has left thousands in the bust. Baby boomers all over have been counting on Boomertown to help out financially. When I checked out their site it looked as though they were just re-doing their site. "An all-new is coming soon... In the last 8 years Internet technology and web communication have changed greatly. We see these changes as an opportunity to take our original format and re-shape a whole new site. Something even more dynamic. One which better embraces the concept of a boomertown!" But according to the article posted on JSOnline, the Better Business Bureau has received over 100 complaints regarding Boomertown.
To find the following along with other headlines check out The Waukesha Freeman:
- Sheboygan resident 9 million dollars richer today.
- 24 year old man gets himself shot and killed in Mequon
- Pike Lake hero's
Have a Fabulous Day!
Saturday, November 8, 2008
We've been welcomed by BNN
Another change here is my schedule. I am working more daytime hours, which may eventually effect the times my posts get up.
Today we spent the day watching the 'Spirit Cheer' competition for Wisconsin. With 42 different school groups represented from as East as Milwaukee, North as Stevens Point, Down to (i don't remember the name of that one, but it was 3 hours south of Madison) ... well you get the idea. In between each performance I had the opportunity to chat with lots of different folks. There was a resounding conversation that was brought up. (Besides the dance teams that is) Finances!
What I heard was that although people are glad that there has been a little relief with gas prices, they are in debt and with little idea on how to get out. Companies are laying off or closing.
Several people were not sure what would take place on Monday when they went in. Will they have a job? Will the desk next to them be vacated? Will they be the ones called in for 'the talk'? These people, like many of us, are afraid of loosing what they have been working for.
am not posting this to discuss politics. I don't want to place blame or rant and rave. Bottom line, we need to work. Many are looking at 2nd and 3rd jobs. Something out of their field to offer more security. The problem is that many of us have been at our jobs for a while and are somewhat intimidated to get out there.
Very popular for job hunters these days are online job agencies. More than the 'classifieds' they show posting for employment, offer resume' help and specify your search to your preferences. Plus, you can easily apply for several jobs within an hour. Right there, on the spot.
Below are a few different local job agencies. Even if you are not worried about your position, it's not a bad idea to see what's out there.
- Milwaukee Jobs offers several services and the opportunity to register yourself.
- Job Noggin allow you to look for a job and offers several other listings as well. It's like the classified section but online.
- You can search hundreds of jobs on the Business Journal for Greater Milwaukee.
- I haven't spent much time here but there is a search available for SE Wisconsin on Jobbing.
- Are you looking for a government job? You can find it here on the State of Wisconsin Government Jobs.
- As seen on t.v. has an extensive search.
Friday, November 7, 2008
my morning latte'
At this point we press a head and learn from what was left behind.
I've learned to stay involved.
We plug into our communities especially the areas we are passionate about. (no passion left? that's okay too but stay involved anyway)
- Are we complaining to our neighbors about city issues? Go to the city meetings.
- Do we have compassion for the homeless? abused? Visit social service agencies and learn more. But be wise, balance that out with other information sources as well.
- Are we seeing our schools/churches/hospitals/ etc... going in directions we love or hate? Get on the boards. Join the PTO, visit sites, volunteer.
It was in my junior year D.E.C.A. class at Waukesha South when I learned this valuable lesson: Unless you are willing to become part of the solution, stop complaining about the problem. In other words either be quiet or get involved. It was a good lesson.
Drudge: We can thank Biden for the heads up. International crisis is looming over our nation to welcome Obama to his new home. Obama campaign workers are mad about not getting paid.
Fox News: Accepted offer for the White House chief of staff. Illinois Rep. Rahm Emanuel will fill the position
JSOnline: Former Hartland, Arrowhead student gets pleads guilty for killing his girlfriend.
Exactly what Waukesha needs right now... MORE low income housing. And we are getting it. The Waukesha County Affordable Housing Task Force announced that they are going to move forward to make more affordable housing here in Waukesha. I wonder what they are going to do with the extra crime that follows? What about the drugs? Are they going to address the maintenance of these properties down the road? Because one drive downtown to any of the Pine Point apts. or most of the Berg properties will show us that what we need is NOT more low income properties, but to clean up the properties we already have. Then maybe those respectably working low income residents will feel safe enough to inhabit them.
Lake Country Reporter: Merton schools will see a make over.
Waukesha Freeman: Short takes on developing stories: Waukesha profiled on America's most wanted, Milwuakee woman boards Brookfield bus to start fight, more on the Frame Park deal, keeping kids safe from Internet porn.
Thursday, November 6, 2008
i just had to post it
From the Onion
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
the day after
There were too many a-hem moments that took place over the last few months to sell me on the idea that you, Barack Hussein Obama are, indeed the best person for the job.
You have, however, shown us your character.
I have seen you as a someone who surrounds himself with hate groups. Hating Jews, Hating America. Militant groups and terrorists. That is too much hate for me.
And I hate to say it... but this election was not won fair and square.
"55,000 total stolen votes: 15,000 by absentee ballot, 10,000 from college students
voting both at home and at school, and 30,000 from illegals and day-trippers from Chicago and Minneapolis primarily showing up in Kenosha and Hudson, WI." james t.
So BHO you have a lot of work to do, but I will be keeping my eye on the job market (especially the coal industry), the terrorist country alert (ask your v.p.), protecting my church, my kids, my back.
I hope we will be able to sleep at night but I doubt we will really feel safe.
You will get my congratulations when you deserve it.
You will get my respect when and if you earn it.
You will get my trust... well never, your a politician. duh!
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
A Black Panther presence
But are actually holding, with clear presence, sticks or batons.
The Black Panthers group was founded in 1966 by Huey Newton and Bobby Seale.
In the continued struggle for civil rights The Black Panthers marched, always armed to be heard and respected.For many, the group has gone too far. Many have considered their actions and beliefs over the top and unnecessary. In fact in their fight for civil equality they have demonstrated sever racial hatred as well as the inability to unite. Today, 42 years after the groups founding, the rules of membership remain the same, as well does the mission and devices of communication.
Soon after the first video was shot, the news arrived and this is what they saw.
He denies knowing anything about his pal who was taken into police custody earlier. We later found out the the panther speaking in this video actually does live in this building and was working at the poll grounds at the time. He is able to be there, wearing whatever he chooses.
He is not, however allowed to carry weapons of intimidation.
The man who did call the police did say that he was told by the panther to stay inside and that a black man is going to be elected tonight.
The Black Panthers foundation lies in the vision to served the oppressed 'black' people in their communities as well as raising awareness to their issues. The issues are outlined in the 10 Point Plan. This plan is to be known by all members of the party as it expresses the expectations that they are working towards.
The Ten Point Plan
- WE WANT FREEDOM. WE WANT POWER TO DETERMINE THE DESTINY OF OUR BLACK AND OPPRESSED COMMUNITIES. We believe that Black and oppressed people will not be free until we are able to determine our destinies in our own communities ourselves, by fully controlling all the institutions which exist in our communities.
- WE WANT FULL EMPLOYMENT FOR OUR PEOPLE. We believe that the federal government is responsible and obligated to give every person employment or a guaranteed income. We believe that if the American businessmen will not give full employment, then the technology and means of production should be taken from the businessmen and placed in the community so that the people of the community can organize and employ all of its people and give a high standard of living.
- WE WANT AN END TO THE ROBBERY BY THE CAPITALISTS OF OUR BLACK AND OPPRESSED COMMUNITIES. We believe that this racist government has robbed us and now we are demanding the overdue debt of forty acres and two mules. Forty acres and two mules were promised 100 years ago as restitution for slave labor and mass murder of Black people. We will accept the payment in currency which will be distributed to our many communities. The American racist has taken part in the slaughter of our fifty million Black people. Therefore, we feel this is a modest demand that we make.
- WE WANT DECENT HOUSING, FIT FOR THE SHELTER OF HUMAN BEINGS. We believe that if the landlords will not give decent housing to our Black and oppressed communities, then housing and the land should be made into cooperatives so that the people in our communities, with government aid, can build and make decent housing for the people.
- WE WANT DECENT EDUCATION FOR OUR PEOPLE THAT EXPOSES THE TRUE NATURE OF THIS DECADENT AMERICAN SOCIETY. WE WANT EDUCATION THAT TEACHES US OUR TRUE HISTORY AND OUR ROLE IN THE PRESENT-DAY SOCIETY. We believe in an educational system that will give to our people a knowledge of the self. If you do not have knowledge of yourself and your position in the society and in the world, then you will have little chance to know anything else.
- WE WANT COMPLETELY FREE HEALTH CARE FOR All BLACK AND OPPRESSED PEOPLE. We believe that the government must provide, free of charge, for the people, health facilities which will not only treat our illnesses, most of which have come about as a result of our oppression, but which will also develop preventive medical programs to guarantee our future survival. We believe that mass health education and research programs must be developed to give all Black and oppressed people access to advanced scientific and medical information, so we may provide our selves with proper medical attention and care.
- WE WANT AN IMMEDIATE END TO POLICE BRUTALITY AND MURDER OF BLACK PEOPLE, OTHER PEOPLE OF COLOR, All OPPRESSED PEOPLE INSIDE THE UNITED STATES. We believe that the racist and fascist government of the United States uses its domestic enforcement agencies to carry out its program of oppression against black people, other people of color and poor people inside the united States. We believe it is our right, therefore, to defend ourselves against such armed forces and that all Black and oppressed people should be armed for self defense of our homes and communities against these fascist police forces.
- WE WANT AN IMMEDIATE END TO ALL WARS OF AGGRESSION. We believe that the various conflicts which exist around the world stem directly from the aggressive desire of the United States ruling circle and government to force its domination upon the oppressed people of the world. We believe that if the United States government or its lackeys do not cease these aggressive wars it is the right of the people to defend themselves by any means necessary against their aggressors.
- WE WANT FREEDOM FOR ALL BLACK AND OPPRESSED PEOPLE NOW HELD IN U. S. FEDERAL, STATE, COUNTY, CITY AND MILITARY PRISONS AND JAILS. WE WANT TRIALS BY A JURY OF PEERS FOR All PERSONS CHARGED WITH SO-CALLED CRIMES UNDER THE LAWS OF THIS COUNTRY. We believe that the many Black and poor oppressed people now held in United States prisons and jails have not received fair and impartial trials under a racist and fascist judicial system and should be free from incarceration. We believe in the ultimate elimination of all wretched, inhuman penal institutions, because the masses of men and women imprisoned inside the United States or by the United States military are the victims of oppressive conditions which are the real cause of their imprisonment. We believe that when persons are brought to trial they must be guaranteed, by the United States, juries of their peers, attorneys of their choice and freedom from imprisonment while awaiting trial.
- WE WANT LAND, BREAD, HOUSING, EDUCATION, CLOTHING, JUSTICE, PEACE AND PEOPLE'S COMMUNITY CONTROL OF MODERN TECHNOLOGY. When, in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bonds which have connected them with another, and to assume, among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the laws of nature and nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.
Peaceful? Effective? Intimidating? Democratic?
Our nation has a lot of work left. I dare say that these thoughts of entitlement are the root cause of racial hatred in our communities. While many, both black and white... and all in between for that matter, do NOT subscribe to this thought process and are maturely attempting to do the best they can to harmoniously live together the 10 point plan and others out there like it spell out discord, separation, bitterness and anger.
Is this what we have all... every race included, been working so hard at? We need to move on folks. Life is too short, for us and for our grandchildren, to hate so diligently.
pop tart humor
my morning "double shot" latte'
We slip in our ballot and all we have left to do is put on our 'I Voted' sticker, politely say thanks and walk away... with anticipation.
Some anxiety.
Not wondering if we choose the correct candidate, but whether or not the person in line before and after me did.
So, I brewed some extra strong coffee this morning, toasted my english muffin and ... wait.
But I do wonder or at least I questioned. Although I got in line at 6:50 a.m. and was back out in my car by 8 a.m. it took less than a minute to actually cast my ballot. And that was with the assistance of my 7th grader. (I wanted her to experience the 'I voted' responsibility that Americans have) I explained pre-registration, the confirmation of identity, then we looked over the ballot cards. We discussed straight parties and write-ins. All that, plus the machine, the sticker, the cordial 'thanks' and we were still out in minutes. So what in God's good earth did Obama need to do inside that booth for 15 min.? I can't even imagine what it's like on the south side of Chicago this morning. I do know that I would be looking over my shoulder.
Jake Tapper reports that Shoesmith Elementary school, the place that Obama went to vote this morning is also the same place that Ayers and Farrakhan also went to cast ballots.
More children are left under the Safe Haven law in Nebraska. These are 16 year old children.
Waukesha Freeman
Some companies are handing out free goodies for election day. This isn't a trick... just a treat.
"Krispy Kreme is giving star-shaped doughnuts with red, white and blue sprinkles to anyone who mentions the promotion, said spokeswoman Ayana Hernandez, but they won't be required to show an "I voted" sticker. "Krispy Kreme is estimating handing out 200,000 donuts today.
Waukesha County has a history of large voter turnout. In the last election 96% of our residents showed up at the polls. Poll workers are expecting even larger numbers today. The results, however, will not be tallied until after polls close and counting will begin after 8 p.m.
Monday, November 3, 2008
my morning latte'
- I know this sounds 'anti-community' but I don't believe more money is the answer to solve the problems that are addressed by our Waukesha social service agencies. Yes we need a strong financial base to help these agencies succeed. The real problems tend to stem from poor 'corporate' organization. One of our major social agencies located here in Waukesha is inviting Milwaukee's problems into our small downtown Waukesha... and asking us to give more money to fund it. No more! I'm tiered of big city gangs, drugs, prostitution and lack of accountability in our community. I'm more than willing to support, both financially and otherwise, programs that are addressed to Waukesha. Stop asking for my finances and glorifying verbiage to manipulate your programming towards Milwaukee servicing and telling me it is for Waukesha. In the mean time Waukesha is suffering and people needing those services here are going without.
- Bandannas are out of the schools. Local schools are 'tightening-up' their dress code policies.
"...What's not fine are the pops of cleavage occasionally displayed up top..."
I want to know why a 16 year old girl needs a push-up bra to begin with? Just asking.... - 11th hour moves to be made. Hey, it's not over til it's over.
Waukesha Freeman
- How much does your vote count? Some are saying about $8. Candidates spend $8 for every vote
- Haws expanding?
- Palin wants to know more about why this is just surfacing. Obama is planning on bankrupting the coal industry.
- Ohio Coal Association is seeing through the smog of Obama/Biden rhetoric.
- Obama's illegal aunt found. But where is his uncle?
it's not over yet
There are a lot of pollsters out there sending numbers to encourage/discourage according to their agenda. To some it looks like the election is, in fact, over. IT'S NOT!
- ZOGBY SHOCKER: McCain 48, Obama 47 Be encouraged Republicans. Our nation is clearly split. This is still anyones race.
So don't quit yet. The story is still being written.
Our nation is split down the middle right now. I will let the Democrats rest in their temporary state of victory. Call me an optimist, maybe a little too faithful that morality will win, but I see this as far from over.
In the mean time. Do what I do.
- Go for long glorious walks in the beautiful Kettle Moraine State Forest
- Eat your kids Halloween candy (they don't need all that sugar anyway)
- Play a game of pumpkin baseball (great way to compost those jack-o-lanterns)
- Pray for Morality to win
Friday, October 31, 2008
Fright Hike
I've carpooled children there in years past, but this year we are going to brave the spoooookinesssss.....
Just to make sure I'm covered, I apologize to all who will end up in my hiking group.
I know it's problem. I'm sorry.
I will scream.
I will grab whomever is closest.
I'll probably run.
I'm sure I'll end up tripping over something.
So, I'm sorry.
But... I gotta go. It's a beautiful day and I anticipate a beautiful evening. I love hiking and heck, I have to drop all the kids off at friends anyway. So hope to see you there.
it's just what i think
- Terrorism
- Sudan
- Drug Smuggling
- Political Cover ups
- Al-Qaeda
- Takfiri
Or even expanded the relationships that were introduced. Instead, although somewhat amusing, it touched slightly on all of the topics without resolve.
This book would be appropriate for the person who wants a 306 pg. quick read without much substance. For a vacation, perhaps. The author, a journalist and novelist, lives in London and that is apparent in her verbiage. On occasion the word choices tripped me up until I resolved them to an English slang.
Next read: William Paul Youngs The Shack. Why?? Last week I heard this book discussed in 3 different circles with comments like:
- "It is sweeping the Nation"
- "You mean you haven't heard of it?"
- and... "Hey what did you think of ..."
I love book discussions so I thought I'd pick it up. On the cover it is exclaimed to be the '#1 New York Times Bestseller' with over 2 million copies in print. I don't really care about all that. Countless times I've found that I tend to like the movies that got 2 thumbs down or books that don't always make, well... anyone's list. So, I'll begin this with just a little more anticipation than some good conversation.
Care to join me?
Thursday, October 30, 2008
is there really a question?
Yes, that is a noose around the neck of a mannequin made up to look like Sarah Palin.
my morning latte'
Living Lake Country
- Will the Hwy 94 and C interchange loose it's trees for another development? It looks like there will be a proposal for a 25 acre development. Didn't they JUST finish development projects over there?
- Lisbon residents get to choose. Drive on a decent road or lower taxes. One or the other.
- Pewaukee man found a way to boost his economics in tough times. Unfortunately for him it's illegal to grow pot out of your house.
- Both Kettle Moraine and Oconomowoc planning for lots of absentee ballets.
Waukesha Freeman
- Catholic Memorial principal gets ruckus for posting presidential sign. Parents found his choice of candidate 'non-catholic'.
- Here are the listings for some Haunted Houses to put some scare into your weekend.
- Students in the ElmBrook school district may be getting an 'ear' and 'eye' full of Rated R material in the classroom.
- Man found driving drunk, for the 10th time, in Hartland area. He knows it's wrong so what does he do? He switches seats with his girlfriend. Now that's love. (I have an idea Brian, don't drink. You obviously can't handle alcohol well.)
- The Clarke Hotel photo gallery posted by JSOnline.
- While countless businesses are laying off and even closing their doors, Exxon Mobil reports its LARGEST quarterly profit ever.
- Starbucks may have hit the bottom of the bean.
Have a fabulous morning!
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Dirty Harry's Place has the story along with the $175,000 reward information. What, oh what could Obama be hiding????
This is a civil war for morality
I DO NOT believe that you must believe in killing unborn children to be a feminist. That is a moral issue not a sexist issue.
I urge you to not walk away from this issue. Stand up against these radical groups who will fight to the death (literally) for the right to kill the unborn.
note: notice that they call the this the Campaign for Healthy Families.
"In polling just released, the South Dakota abortion ban ballot measure is dead even - 44% yes and 44% no with 12% undecided. Pro-choice forces critically NEED your help now.
"Abortion Ban- We must stop this ban in its tracks in South Dakota, which could make it nearly impossible to obtain an abortion and threaten doctors with 10-year jail sentences. Your donation is urgently needed to help defeat the ban. If this draconian ban passes, it could become the next anti-abortion case before the Supreme Court. More outrageous bans will be introduced in yet more states."
The statewide coalition
- Campaign for Healthy Families - believes we CAN defeat this horrific ban and that we are gaining ground. But the campaign needs your contribution NOW for its final push. 100% of your contribution will go directly to the coalition for additional TV ads and persuasive calling. The South Dakota Medical Association has recently come out against the ban. The ban would make doctors liable for criminal prosecution and at risk for jail sentences up to 10 years.
With our help, South Dakotans defeated a similar ban in 2006. But this year, the polls show the measure is harder to defeat because of its more deceptive language. If this sweeping ban passes it will be the next anti-abortion case before the Supreme Court. More outrageous bans will be introduced in yet more states.
We can't let this happen - contribute now for a final push to defeat this outrageously deceptive and punitive abortion ban. The Feminist Majority Foundation has organizers and volunteers working day and night to defeat this harmful ban for women and doctors. 100% of your donation will go directly to the statewide coalition for final media buys and mobilization efforts.
Act now, we don't have a moment to waste. Make 2008 the year we resoundly defeat deceptive ballot measures that endanger women's lives AND rights. For Women's Lives,Amy Brenneman
P.S. I am sending you this e-mail because we must help our sisters in South Dakota. We are running out of time, please donate now."
my morning latte'
- Because we haven't seen enough yet, let's market a 30 minute commercial to sellout to those without an opinion. We will be seeing more of Obama than we can stomach... I don't know about you, but my stomach has been hurting for months.
- The LA Times, the heart of Hollywood, the place where a large portion of Obama funds have come from and the place where media peer pressure originates, is refusing to release the video where Obama praises "a Chicago professor who was an alleged mouthpiece for the Palestine Liberation Organization while it was a designated terrorist group in the 1970s and '80s." Here is a link to the original story as it went out.
- Greta Vas Susteren wants an answer to a questions she posts to Obama. Will he answer it?
- McGee gets his sentence. "With time served and credit for good behavior, McGee can expect to be done with his federal prison term in about 4 ½ years. He also was ordered to pay $107,433 in restitution.". Do you think this is a fair sentence? "McGee, 39, was convicted by a jury in June on nine counts that included bribery, extortion, attempted extortion and trying to hide a $30,000 transaction" By John Diedrich of the Journal Sentinel
- The Waukesha School board finally passes its budget. When it comes to education, I wish we could have a money tree growing. Lots of cuts are being made in all districts now. Lot's of programs going out the door. Parents-stay involved with your kids.
- Waukesha County looking to spend $9.5 million in radio upgrades. No, really!